Monday, 2 November 2015


Hello my fellow friends of the internet, I am here today to speak about something that I hold rather close to my heart and although I've recently just ventured into it, believe that it's beneficial to everybody! So without further ado, let's get crackin'!

Some of you may be asking "Libby, why is the title of this blog post mindfulness?" Well my dearest friend, that is because mindfulness is a very important tool in my day to day life. Mindfulness is "The intentional accepting and non-judgmental focus of one's attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations." And I find it to be very helpful in calming me down when I'm perhaps feeling anxious or need to take some time to step back and re-evaluate a situation.

I discovered the uses of mindfulness after having many discussions with Hannah's mum Mandy, who is rather good with dealing with issues of the mind. Whilst talking to her, she'd often say phrases or give advise that make total sense but I'd just never thought about before and I often leave her company feeling more open minded towards problems that I'm facing.

The way I use mindfulness is usually through an app called Smiling Mind, so if I'm feeling particularly anxious I'll go somewhere quiet, whip this out on my phone and take a few minutes to myself. Other than that I tend to force myself to become aware of whatever situation I'm in. For example, if I was stressing over not understanding a piece of homework I'd ask myself "What don't you understand? What could you do to figure out? If you go to see your teacher ASAP they can't really be angry at you for not understanding,can they?" etc just so things seem far more clearer and far less problematic.

Overall, being mindful is a key part of day to day life that is often forgotten in the 21st century. With the use of phones, laptops, iPods and whatnot, it's very easy to stop enjoying the little things. When you're out walking whilst texting your mates, you could be missing out on so much that's going on. I don't know about you but I know that I've spent far too much time just being alive and going through the motions of day-to-day life as opposed to actually LIVING through those days and paying attention to what the world has to offer.

That's it from me fellow friends of the internet, I shall leave you with my song of the post: Heart of The Matter by The Libertines

Till next time,


Friday, 14 August 2015

25 Question Series: The Finale

Hey everybody!

So, this is my first "proper post" since my return, so I figured I may as well start off with tying up a loose end! I've got nothing witty to say so I may as well just hop straight in!

76) What do you label yourself as? A human. I strongly dislike labels.

77) Who would you really like to punch in the face? Katie Hopkins springs to mind?

78) If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they do? Amy would be my slave, mainly because it's about time she changes the film we watch on Netflix instead of me. She'd just do little things like pass me my cup of tea.

79) What was your last dream about? Ha. I (somehow) managed to get Harrison Koisser's number and rang him because I was angry that I'd ran out of maple syrup.

80) What's the colour of your socks? They're black with white stars on them and a red spiky bubble thing saying "BOOM!" on it. They're my favourite socks.

81) If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? Don't platypus' already defy the laws of nature? Or are they just weird? I don't know, I'd probably try to make some sort of mythical creature, maybe a lion and an eagle to try and make a sphinx? Bit dangerous.

82) Can you do any other accents other than your own? Well I think so, but my Welsh friend doesn't seem to think my Welsh accent is very good. What's important is that I try, can't ask for more than that really.

83) What was the last thing that frustrated you? Just reading this question reignited my anger. I cannot for the life of me play an F chord on Frederick (my guitar.) I am determined to play that bloody chord.

84) What is your favourite Disney movie? Either Saving Mr Banks, Mulan or The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

85) Do you think children should be sheltered from unhappiness? Although not permanent, unhappiness is inevitable. You can attempt to shelter a child from unhappiness, but that's near enough impossible. I think it's important to let children explore the world and there are different risks in doing that. Your child may be unhappy if you make them brush their teeth before bed, that doesn't mean you're going to just let them off with not brushing their teeth.

86) Do you have a dream journal? No, I don't. I used to keep one when I was obsessed with Twilight in whatever year it was, but that didn't last very long. I tend to just talk to my friends now if I have an odd dream (like last night's.)

87) What does your name mean? Oh...I'll have to Google this. Apparently it means "Pledged to God" which seems fairly underwhelming, I was expecting something like "The almighty".

88) Are you usually late, early or right on time? Well, I usually have every intention of being early, but I tend to be right on time or on the odd occasion late.

89) Name three things in nature your find the most beautiful: Sunsets/rises, I would say the sea but I'll just say water anyway (because I quite like it when it rains) and lightning, because as much as it freaks me out it's rather mesmerising.

90) What would you happily do again? Go to Boardmasters! I went with two friends this year and we're already planning on going again next year!

91) Do you like to shop? Quite recently, yes. I think it's because I have more of a solid idea of what I like and what suits me (clothes wise) so I sort of look forward to shopping for clothes now. As far as food shopping goes, it's not really the most entertaining of activities, is it?

92) What's the first thing you do in the morning? Check my phone. I have a habit of falling asleep half way through conversations. Oops.

93) Do you think people are basically bad or basically good? Human nature comes with more than just "bad" and "good" and each person has a slightly different idea of what's "good" or "bad" so who knows, eh!

94) Have you ever been to Legoland? Yes and it was AWESOME.

95) What's the last thing you took a picture of? I took a photo of some polaroids I took at Boardmasters.

96) What's something you wear even in the shower? I have a ring my friend bought me quite a while ago from Sweden or Switzerland that I basically NEVER take off.

97) What's your favourite topic in history? I quite liked the Nazi Germany module. I'd like to learn about ancient Greece but I don't think it's part of the GCSE.

98) Have you ever burnt yourself? Yes, on hair straighteners when I was getting ready to perform with Olli. My finger blistered and it felt really weird.

99) What's the best thing you ever did for your parents? I used to write them poems illustrate them for their birthdays, fathers day and mothers day etc.

100) What's the most creative thing you've ever done? Well, I don't know to be perfectly honest. I have a habit of hearing/seeing/smelling something and then getting a really vivid image that I feel could be a part of a film. It's like my eyes are a really low-tech video camera and I'm just living for good angles, especially when it comes to car rides and stuff like that.

And that, my fellow friends of the interweb, concludes the 25 Question Series. I shall leave you with my favourite song this month Flame by Sundara Karma.

Until next time,


Tuesday, 28 July 2015

We Meet Again

Hello fellow friends of the internet, I am back!

As you may have noticed, I've been M.I.A for over a month now and can I start with pointing out that this wasn't a planned or intentional absence. When I started this blog, I made a promise to myself that I would only post when and if I wanted too, as if I felt obliged to blog it would turn this hobby into a job and I didn't want that to happen. Of course, this can cause some problems (like 3 months worth of no posts) but in the long run, it's good to just go with the creative flow!

I do however have some actual reasons as to why I've not been blogging. The main reason is due to the "real life work load." This year has been busy! There have been interviews for senior student roles (head boy and girl, that sort of thing), trips to colleges for taster days, mocks (lots of revision-ew) and presentations to prepare among other things. So it's safe to say I've been a little bit loaded down with work to do (much like everyone my age.)

Since I last spoke to you it's been my birthday:

I've had quite a few barbecues, sleepovers and have gone on rather lovely walks:

And of course, spent quite a bit of time with my family:

But of course, this was all done over the period of 3 months or so! It's quite relieving when you're busy/stressed in a schooling/working situation to take some time out on weekends, or for an hour or so in the evening to have sometime to yourself or with your family- otherwise you end up with headaches and all sorts of horrible stress related issues.

That's it for my "hello I'm back" post, I hope you all have had wonderful lives whilst I've been away and continue to have wonderful lives! I shall leave you with today's song of the post: Wraith by Peace

See you soon (hopefully)


Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Live what you love.

Well hello!

I'm Ellen and frankly, I'm really nervous right now about introducing myself but hi! This is me and I'm going to pour my heart out to you lovely people about my love for life and how quickly it can be over (sounds cheery, I know!)

Well, on the wall by my bed is a picture with a quote that I bought from a shop saying "Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful" to me this is such an important thing to remember. My life is full of gorgeous, darling people (such as Libby) who just make days so much better.

Although only recently properly speaking to Libby, she has already made me feel lovely and has already made me laugh too much! Last night we came across the subject of bucket lists and how quickly life can be over. I said to Libby "I find it silly when people think they have so much time to do something when in reality anything could happen in the space of five minutes" and also to "have no regrets and so whatever you want to, as long as it makes you happy."

Everyday I live by this rule. Now, I promised myself that I wouldn't get too deep into this as I will make a fool of myself. However, just think about how much time you waste everyday worrying and arguing over small things. Here's some food for thought:

You could die within five minutes, would you have done everything that you wanted to when an opportunity presented itself?

Probably not!

So whenever you come across a tricky bridge or something you would normally be too scared to do, think about the other side of the bridge. Cross the bridge when you get to it and do it knowing that you've done something great, something that will allow you to grow old with no regrets. Do something everyday that makes your heart beat fast, do something that you will be proud to say you did after you've done it.

Do it knowing that anything could change by tomorrow and make the most of the moment and the time before you.

I got too into it! I apologise!

I shall leave you with todays song of the blog: Cocoon by Catfish and The Bottlemen.

Goodbye my honeys, Ellen x

Friday, 27 March 2015

Versatile Blogger Award

Hello my fellow friends of the interweb! Today I am here with another award I have recieved! I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by the lovely Sally from And All That Fairy Dust! I'd like to say a ginormous thank you to you, Sally for the nomination. To all of my fellow interweb friends, I'd advise you to have a look at Sally's blog, I hadn't been reading much blog wise until I found Sally's!

The rules for this award are as follows:

1) Thank the nominator.
2) Select 15 blogs/bloggers to nominate.
3) List 7 facts about yourself.
4) Let the nominee's know they've been nominated.

Facts about me:

1) I was born on the same day as Celine Dion and Vincent Van Gogh.

2) I spent a whole day watching Rom-Com's on Netflix and now there's a special place in my heart for Hilary Duff films.

3) I'm fairly sure that Alex Turner may actually be a God.

4) I've kept all of my Christmas cards up because they make me smile (but I may swap them for my birthday cards after my birthday.)

5) For my work experience placement I'm going to a preschool which should be fun!

6) I've just recently got into Horror films, which again is my friend (Amy's) fault. If you've got any suggestions, please don't hesitate to let me know!

7) I keep having realisations. Like, 100 years ago for example, they thought most of what they knew was correct and it turned out to be a load of rubbish so, what if in 100 years into the future, some of the things we think are true actually transpire to be a load of rubbish?

My Nominees:

Again I'd like to thank Sally for Nominating me! I hope you all have a very lovely day. I shall leave you with today's song of the post: Agony from Into The Woods (film)

Now I'm off to an early birthday meal so until next time!


Sunday, 22 March 2015

25 Question series 0.3

Hello fellow friends of the internet! I apologise for my unscheduled absence, however do not fret for I am back! I'm planning on writing a few blog posts today and posting them later on in the week (just in case I get a bit busy and don't actually have time to post anything) AND it's my birthday in 8 days, so expect a post that has something to do with that! Now without further ado, on with the questions!

51) What is your heritage? I like this question! My great grandfather was Scottish, my great grandmother was Greek, at some point a family member was Irish...But mainly I'm English.

52) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Currently Vertigo by Mini Mansions ft. Alex Turner I find it rather calming and that makes me happy I do suppose!

53) Can insanity bring on more creativity? I like to think that, I myself, am a bit insane! So yes, I think a little insanity can bring on creativity.

54) What is your current desktop picture? This embarrasses me but since I've been away for so long I think I deserve public embarrassment. I'm a massive fangirl as I've mentioned previously and I thought it would be a good idea to get a collection of photos from things I like and create some sort of collage. It would be cool if I did it well and used some sort of snazzy editing software probably, but I used Paint. Here it is:

Please try to remember that I was young(er) when I made this and I need to make a new one soon!

55) Have you ever thrown up in the car? Yes I have, oddly enough the only thing I remember from a specific experience is being irritated at myself for throwing up all over my then favourite pair of jeans.

56) Have you ever met any celebrities? I've met Steve McFadden (Phil Mitchell from Eastenders) but most people from my area seem to have met him. I've met many the celebrity in Libby Land though (if that counts, which it does.)

57) Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? No, that sounds like it takes a lot of energy that I'd quite frankly rather conserve for something more important like taking over the world.

58) Who would you like to see in concert? Arctic Monkeys without a doubt.

59) Ever had a weird deja-vu moment? Yes, I often even have deja-vu inception moments where I'm having deja-vu of deja-vu.

60) What did you want to be when you were younger? Well: A fashion designer, a singer, an actress, a doctor, an author and once an Olympic athlete. Which is HILARIOUS to anyone who knows me well because I refuse to run.

61) Do you find Christmas stressful? Well, not really directly stressful because to be honest, I don't do much but everybody else stressing about it tends to give me secondary stress.

62) Do you think musicals are cheesy? Some can be I suppose, but I love musicals!

63) Do you dance in the car? I remember coming up with dance routines with my brothers in the car but they were strictly waist up dance moves.

64) Are you afraid of heights? I don't actually think I'm afraid of heights per say, I mean if I'm on something high my first reaction isn't "It's so high I'm scared" it's more of a "If I make one wrong move I will fall. And die." so I'd say I'm afraid of falling.

65) How many languages can you speak? Well, A very limited amount of Spanish, French and German! When I say very limited I mean VERY limited.

66) When you were younger what did you dress up for at Halloween? I do believe it tended to be a witch. I've never been trick-or-treating though and Halloween is my least favourite time of the year.

67) Are you lazy? It depends on the task and my mind set at the time!

68) When was the last time you wrote a letter to somebody on paper? Sometime last week for my English mock I think!

69) What films could you watch over and over again and still watch? The Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit trilogy, both Bridget Jones films and maybe a few Disney films like The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

70) What's your favourite food? Melon or ice cream. So much so, I've requested that I get both of these things for my birthday.

71) Where would you bury treasure if you had some? I don't know...In the Louvre? Thinking back to The Divinci Code.

72) What's your least favourite movie? I'm not sure I can think of one. I was a bit dissapointed with Transcendence. Sometimes I've just got to rewatch films to make sure I'm actually paying attention though.

73) Do you still watch cartoons? Yes, Cartoon Network is an important part of my world.

74) How do you feel about surprises? Well, I dislike not knowing things, however I also think surprises are a nice thing to look forward too if they're a gift etc.

75) What makes you laugh the most? Well, my inside jokes with my close friends (specifically Amy) and as of late, this:

Yes, this is my screensaver.

That's all for now my fellow friends of the internet! I shall leave you with todays song of the post: When The Sun Goes Down by Arctic Monkeys

Until next time!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

25 Question Series 0.2

Hello again fellow friends of the internet! I'm here with part two of my 25 question series! I'm not going to blab on about insignificant things like....I dunno, unicorns on envelopes or friends singing whilst you're Skyping them and trying to concentrate on writing (you know who you are.) I ended up babbling anyway so I'm gonna hop right into the questions!

26) Ever had a poem or song written about you? I don't think so...Ideally yes!

27) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? Before I answer I'd like to say that I have two younger brothers and they heavily influence my actions. Yes, I have, yanno when you stick things like straws or bread sticks up your nose? Yep...

28) What's your religion? I am agnostic? I think that's the correct term? Either agnostic or atheist. To be honest, personally it's not a priority to me and I don't spend much time thinking about it so I'm not 100% sure.

29) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Well, it depends on the situation. I'm taking Drama as a GCSE and sometimes that means being recorded whilst performing which I don't mind. I equally don't mind recording things. However, if it was for something like a Youtube channel I'd feel totally out of my comfort zone!

30) Simple but extremely complex, favourite band? Well, judging by my most played songs, I'd have to say Arctic Monkeys.

31) What was the last lie I told? The answer to this question.

32) Do you believe in karma? Ummm...Much like the religion question, I'm not that sure because I've not put much thought into it!

33) What does your URL mean? I wanted my URL to be "Is it just me" but was unable to, so I thought to have the title of my blog be "Is it just me" and then have the URL as "or do we all" so it sort of acts like an inside joke and a continuation of the title.

34) What's your greatest weakness and your greatest strength? I wish I had a clearer idea so I could properly answer this question but I'm very over crytical of myself so I tend to think I have more weakness' than strengths. I think my greatest weakness is my inability to say no to opportunities. If someone offers me an assembly slot or a job to do I'll probably say yes just because I can't say no. As far as greatest strength goes, I think I'm very determined. If there's something I 100% want to do or if I make a promise to help someone with something, chances are I'll do it!

35) Do you prefer talking to people on the phone or on Skype?  Well, I tend to have bad signal on my phone so I'd say I  probably prefer Skype.

36) Are you happy with the person you've become? Ohh, a deep and meaningful question! Well, in a certain sense yes. I think that I've grown to understand certain things and I've experienced a lot more.

37) What's your biggest "What if?" Probably something like "what if I'm shopping and I start getting bombed?" Terrorism is a very real thing and it honestly scares me.

38) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Um, I've heard stories from family members about ghost encounters and I think that the universe is too big to just have one tiny planet full of humans on it.

39) Smell the air. What do you smell? I can smell my vanilla frosting Yankee candle. I adore the smell of vanilla.

40) What's the worst place you've ever been to? I have a love hate relationship with London. I love to go there there but it's so packed and there are so many people.

41) To you, what is the meaning of life? There is no meaning. You can't put a stamp on something like life. Life in it's entirety means so many different things depending on the person.

42) Define art. Not a question per say but art is a creative outlet, I do suppose. Art is indefinable.

43) Do you believe in luck? No, I don't think so. The universe is rarely that lazy. (Whoever knows where that quote's from gets a cake.)

44) What time is it? It is currently 4:42pm.

45) What was the last book you read? Well technically the last book I read was Of Mice and Men but that was for English. Otherwise it may have been Bear Grylls' autobiography or Miranda Hart's "Is It Just Me?"

46) What's the worse injury you've ever had?  I don't do anything so it's difficult for me to get hurt. I over extended my finger playing netball once and had my lower leg in a cast for a few weeks, so one of those two probably!

47) Have you ever caught a butterfly? Yes I do believe so! Or it may have been a moth...Not sure but I caught something with wings.

48) Do you have any obsessions right now? I'm currently obsessed with Top Gear specials and Bridget Jones Diary (Hence the Richard Hammond thing.)

49) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Probably! But I don't pay the faintest bit of attention to them!

50) Do you believe in magic? I have to say yes to please my inner child.

That's all for now my fellow friends of the internet! I shall leave you with my song of the post: Don't You Want Me by The Human League


Monday, 19 January 2015


Hello fellow friends of the internet! I'm here today with a post that I've been meaning to write since October.

If you cast your mind back to the 2nd of October, I posted a post (opposed to doing anything else with a post eh?) called "Pessimism." That was a sort of tongue in cheek post aimed at my friend Charlie. A few weeks after that I ended up talking to a family friend (Charlie's mum and luckily for me, my drama teacher) and she inspired me to write this post!

I say 'inspired me' for a reason, you see The Queen (Her nickname, not sure who knows that it's her nickname but move over Beyonce) is a very inspirational person. She's the main reason that I actually started to enjoy Drama and went on to take it as a GCSE. As a teacher she (seems to be at least) very passionate about what she teaches and this in turn causes you to be infected by her optimism! It's like an illness you actually want to catch.

Not only is her passion for drama infectious but I think she's just an infectious person. She's not yanno, a disease because that would be weird and a massive insult, she can spread happiness at a 100 mile radius. She's a brilliant listener, she's funny and attentive and people at school respect her. Honestly, I think she's one of the main clogs of making our school work (she's the glue ) and that's probably why I tend to refer to her as The Queen!

I love Sheldon Cooper

 But luckily enough for anyone who knows her personally (and generally) everyone else around her, outside of school she still manages to be the uplifting, merry and lovely lady as per usual. I may be going of on a tangent but in my Leibster Award post, I think I mentioned Hannah and her mum (Hello to you.) Now, The Queen and...Oh no....I haven't got a nickname...Can there be two Queens? If I type "The Queens" are people going to think of something other than Beyonce...We'll go with it. Now, The Queen coincidentally happens to be friends with The Other Queen. Now, I've decided that this is because they're both fabulously inspirational and jolly people (tangent over.)

Now, Stormydoos, happened to nominate me for The Leibster Award also, so I'll answer her questions on this post (because I'd feel bad if I didn't!)

1) Most embarrassing thing to happen to you? I said 'daughter in law' instead of 'step daughter'. Mortifying.

2) Best trick ever played on someone? It was a little year 6 type of date (to KFC, so romantic.) The boy dropped a box of something, bent over whilst sat on his chair to pick it up, so I tipped the chair over on top of him. He's not very nice so totally deserved it.

3) Most stupid thing you've ever done? Muchos difficult question to answer. There are different scales of stupid. The KFC incident mentioned above is stupid but so's getting your hair caught in someone's glasses whilst you're hugging them and then ripping them off of their face.

4) Amount of sleep you get on average every night? Probably 8 hours of disturbed and unfulfilling sleep.

5) Do you have any middle names? If so what are they? My middle name is Sophie. After my nans middle name. Keepin' her happy.

6) Do you have any pets, if so what are they? I have a three legged cat called Saffy (Safi? Saffie? Nobody knows.) And a 7 month old lady dog (good try) called Rue.

7) Favourite thing to do in your spare time? I like to *mumbles* watch Top Gear specials.

8) How do you come up for the content of your blog? If I have an idea, I'll save it with a title and get around to writing it at some point! Or I'll look at other blogs and sometimes that will give me inspiration. It tends to come from my own random head to be honest!

9) Fvourite subject at school? I like History/Drama/Geography. Not necessarily in that order (depending on my mood really, but they're defiantly my top 3.)

To round up this very disfunctional post: The Queen (Charlie's mum) is a wonderful person. We were joking about me writing this post in October, little did she know, I actually thought it was a good idea. Since October I've become good friends with Hannah and met The Other Queen (Hannah's mum) who is also a wonderful person and deserves a special mention in this post. Like I said, this is now an incoherent post where I've just typed straight from my head and not thought about paragraphing or anything (I'm currently ill. Blame it on that.)

That's all for now my fellow friends of the interweb. Today's song of the post is: Dancing Queen by Abba

Until next time- L

Saturday, 17 January 2015

The Liebster Award

Hello my fellow friends of the internet! I have something extremely exciting to tell you (that is unless you don't already know of course!) I have been nominated (THREE TIMES!) for The Liebster Award. 

For those who don't know, I believe that The Liebster Award is a way for fellow bloggers to recognise/discover new bloggers and welcome them to the world of the internet! I've had to google the 'rules' because it would appear that people have been quite confused as to what you're actually meant to do but oh well here we go!

The rules (I think) are:

1) Link and thank the person/s that have nominated you.
2) Answer their questions.
3) Nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers.
4) Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer.
6) Let the bloggers know that they've been nominated via social media.

So, I'd like to thank Eithne On The MoonEclectic Feel and Catprintpaws for nominating me for this award! The feeling is entirely mutual (yanno, blog appreciation wise!) I'd also like to add that I judged the "200" followers thing via Bloglovin'.

Because all three nominated me I'll answer all of their questions too so here goes:

Eithne's questions: (I'm so incredibly sorry if it's not your name! I did look, I swear!)

1) If you could talk for one day with a famous person, dead or alive, who would you chose? Um, I'd really like to talk to Idina Menzel maybe and get some singing tips. Or Alex Turner and just ask him 'Why?'

2) Do you have a book that you read every time you feel down? If yes, which one? I don't actually have a book. I feel like I need one. When I buy Bridget Jones Diary I hope it'll be that!

3) Choose your superpower. I'll be molecule man, but the female version (Google him.)

4) Think of a book you really enjoyed: you can chose a character as your friend, which one and why? Robert Langdon because I just think he's cool to be totally honest (and I'm thinking of an answer that isn't Bridget from Bridget Jones Diary.)

5) What's your favourite moment of the day? Probably the precise moment when I'm in bed, my light thingies are on and I'm talking to my friends/

6) Name something you couldn't live without. Other than the obvious...Um, Hannah and Olli. Hi if you're reading. And thank you. You know what for.

7) What's your favourite word (the language is not important)? I bloody love this question! I might make a post on words i love currently, 'Splosh' just say it, it's rather satisfactory.

8) What's your favourite kind of post to read and/or write? I love writing Q&A style posts, because it allows you as a reader to get to know me just as much as it allows me to know me. What I like to read depends on my mood. For example if I have a headache, I'll read a blog with lots of pictures.

9) Do you have a specific song that reminds you of a moment in your life? If yes, which one? I have MANY songs that remind me of moments in my life. For example, Gold by Spandau Ballet, reminds me of the summer and my end of year exams.

10) What's your favourite hobby (apart from blogging)? Well, I would say that I don't have many hobbies, but I sing a lot and I think I sing enough for it to count as a hobby.

11) If you could travel instantly to somewhere whenever you want, where would you pick? Ideally, a little meadow/wood thingy with a stream at sunset/rise I think! 

Jo's questions:

1) Describe your blog in 3 words: Truthful, universal and disorganised.

2) What's your favourite smell and why?  I love the smell of vanilla because I just think it's relaxing and warm! I love vanilla.

3) Name an unusual skill/talent you have: I can't dance to save my life. I say this is a talent because I'm so bad, it is actually one of the most amazing things you will probably (not) see.

4) If you could only chose one- books, music, art craft or photography? Music.

5) Oranges or lemons? Oranges.

6) Your top 3 ambitions for 2015? Be happier, be mindful and be healthier.

7) What's your last holiday destination and what's (hopefully) your next? I believe my last holiday destination was Longleat Safari park and I'd like my next to be Evesham *cough, looking at you mum, cough*

8) Trilby or fedora? Trilby.

9) What was the last book you read/ album you listened to (rate out of 10)? The last book I read was Is It Just Me by Miranda Hart and I'd give it a 10 because I actually laughed out loud and I never do that. The last album I listened to was AM by Arctic Monkeys, probably gonna give that a 10 outta 10 too considering I'm pretty obsessed with it.

10) What's your favourite cheese? Brie or camembert...I think?

11) Will you be rocking Pantone's colour of the year "Marsala" in 2015? Probably, it's not a shade of yellow/orange so yeah. It might happen!

And Leanne's Questions:

1) Why do you want to blog? Because I feel that I have a lot to say and that there are a lot of people on the internet who would be interested in hearing what I have to say.

2) Who's your inspiration fashion or otherwise? I am pretty fashion ignorant I love what Aria (Aka, Lucy Hale) wears in Pretty Little Liars. Other than fashion inspiration...My friend Hannah and her mum inspire me quite a bit actually.

3) How long have you blogged for? I think it's been for around 4 months! Wow, that's strange to say.

4) What's your all time favourite movie or TV show and why? I love Bridget Jones Diary, that's currently my favourite film. I don't know about my favourite TV show to be honest. I think it's probably American Horror Story!

5) What's your top beauty tip? Um..Don't fret if your eyeliner isn't "on point" it will be one day. Not a tip, but it speaks to me.

6) What's your fail safe place to shop? Maybe New Look? Mainly because it's probably one of the bigger shops in my nearest city.

7) What's your favourite blog to read? I'm a bad blogger and I don't read blogs that often! When I do...They seem to be DIY blogs recently (looking for birthday present ideas.) Or it'll be a booktuber's blog.

8) What's your favourite song at the moment? Seaside by The Kooks.

9) What do you aspire to do in the future? Well, in the near future I'd like to not be ill (it's winter, I have a cold. I think.) In the 'distant' future I'd like to have done a lot of things like actually write a book or have read through my huge 'to be read' pile of books.

So again, I'd like to thank those lovely ladies for nominating me! My nominations are:

Now, some people may argue over what a real blog is or point out the fact that there aren't 11 on my list or that some of them have a little bit over 200 followers. I like them and I'm nominating them.

My questions for them (or you if I've nominated you and you're watching!) Are:

1) What do you do if you run out of creative inspiration (for anything?)
2)  Morning or evening?
3) If you were a mythical creature, what would you be?
4) What's your favourite word? (Stealing the question, but I really wanna know.)
5) What helps you concentrate?
6) What 3 things are you determined to achieve (generally)?
7) What's your guilty pleasure?
8) Would you rather live without a roof or without a "proper" floor?
9) Why did you start your blog?
10) Have you ever eaten a whole cake?
11) How much trouble would you be in if you had no hands?

That's all for todays post my fellow friends of the internet! I shall leave you with today's song of the post: Seaside by The Kooks

Until next time- L

p.s I'm on twitter now! I know, weird right, I still don't understand it! Tweet me @OrDoWeAll

Sunday, 11 January 2015

25 Questions Series

Hello my fellow friends of the interweb! I'm here with you today with a 'tag' post. Apparently the rules of the internet state that in order to do a tag you must make one up or actually be tagged. However, I'm a rebel and I've done neither of these things (although I've changed a few questions to suit me because 'my way or the highway'.)  Instead of sitting down and making you read 100 Q and A's in one go I'm going to chop it up into small chunks of 25 questions, just so you don't have to scroll through masses!

I'd also like to thank the amazing Hannah for writing a fabulous guest post! She's a total lifesaver and I love her a lot.

On with the questions!

1) What 6 songs do you listen to the most? Well, after consulting my phone they are: Do I Wanna Know By Arctic MonkeysR U Mine by Arctic MonkeysWhen You Were Young by The KillersAlone Together by Fall Out BoyRunaways by The Killers and Don't Sit Down, Cause I've Moved Your Chair by Arctic Monkeys

2) If you could meet anyone on this Earth, who would it be? *sigh* my initial reaction was Richard Hammond...But I honestly don't know!

3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23 and give me line 17. More of a demand then a statement but if you insist! *Picks up book* "books. The Symbology of Secret Sects, The Art of the" and incase you're wondering I'm currently reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (hence the symbology.)

4) What do you think about the most? Probably things that I need to do. That's really vague but I tend to have a fair few things to do and remember to do!

5) What does your last text message from someone else say? "Vices and Virtues came yesterday, do you want to borrow it to put onto your Ipod or whatever?" You earn a slice of cake if you know who that album's by.

6) What's your strangest talent? Yanno Voldemort has no nostrils? And people can pull the face where they suck their nostrils in? Yeah, I can do that to the Eastenders theme tune thing.

7) Girls...Boys...(Finish the sentence.) Again, not a question *tut tut* 'Girls exist and Boys exist.' There ya go, stick that inspirational quote on a wall.

8) Do you have freckles? Yes I think so? *grabs a mirror* Yup!

9) When is the last time you played the air guitar? (I know what my song of the post is going to be now :3) I play air guitar a lot...And the drums...I think it was on Thursday/Friday evening.

10) Do you have any strange phobias? Now, I don't know if I should be exposing my weakness' to the internet but I can't think of any phobias that are strange. I can't STAND snakes. Or saliva. If you threaten to spit on me I will cry.

11)  Do you sleep with doors open or closed? I cannot STAND any doors being open. I have the door to our loft in my room RIGHT beside my bed and I purposefully put things in front of it so I can hear if anybody tries to open the door and kill me.

12) Do you take shampoo/conditioner bottles from hotels? No I don't. That's my dads job. Special agent Luke.

13) If you're outside what are you most likely doing? Walking somewhere with my dog and probably my mum.

14)  Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? Well, I feel as though I'd die faster if I were mauled to death by a bear than slowly be stung to death by bees.

15) Who's your celebrity crush? *sigh* There are probably around 13. Honestly, there's no point in asking me that. Oh hang on...I forgot Richard Hammond...Who's your celebrity crush?

16) How do you vent your anger? I swear a lot and go on a long rant and then watch Bridget Jones Diary to pin my frustration on bloody DANIEL CLEAVER. Then I confront the issue and deal with it.

17) Do you have a collection of anything? Books...I think you can say that I have a collection of books. I've got 6 shelves of them so I think it counts.

18) What's a sound that you hate and a sound that you love? I hate the sound (and feel for that matter) of chalk. Chalk on anything. Just chalk. I love the sound of rain and the sound of waves. Lets just say water. I like water.

19) Stick your right arm out what do you touch first? Do the same with your left. Well, after much deliberation with myself over which arm is my left and which is my right; my right arm hit...a notebook and my left arm hit...A mug and tipped it over. Shit.

20)  Most attractive singer of opposite gender? Hayley Williams. Her hair is awesome.

21) What's the weather like right now? You're asking me about the weather *Taking me back to Twilight* Generally dry and sunny throughout the morning, but feeling cold in the strong and brisk breeze (good word is brisk. Say it.)

22) What's the last film you saw? Well, I started watching One Day last night but got distracted so the last film I properly watched was Bridget Jones' Diary.

23) Do you save money or spend it? Well, I spend it eventually, but I tend to save it until I either cave and spend it on food or find something that I really want to buy.

24) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? I don't know what time it is but I feel as if I just got out of bed and I have no idea how far 10 feet is. But there's a pink owl head on a pencil case...And some pink books...So yeah I do suppose so!

25) Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No because they tend to be screwed onto metal poles.

That's all for now my fellow friends of the interweb! I shall see you soon with another post but for now I shall leave you with this: Air Guitar by McBusted

Also, TAG! You're it! (I never understood that? Is it 'it' or 'hit' what are you meant to say!?)
