Sunday, 26 October 2014


Hello there fellow friends of the interweb! I've been spending a decent amount of my time recently, on my phone or on YouTube listening to music and it made  me realize how much I appreciate the work artists do and how music plays quite a fundamental part of my life. (Would I like some crackers with that cheese I hear you ask? Yes please!)

I chose drama as a GCSE, so I think that gives me the right to call myself a performer (and I've performed so that's good enough right?) So, as you may (or may not) expect, music choice tends to be quite important on certain occasions.

Let me give you an example (that's defiantly not based on real life experiences) that demonstrates how getting the music right is key:

An Example Of How Getting The Music Right Is Key

Let me set the scene, two 14 year olds are sat in a small music practice room. One is a tall, floppy haired blonde boy with a guitar and the other is a short, muddy red headed girl with a bottle of water and song lyrics.

They are a duo without a name (at the time, all hail Lolli/Olliby, we can't decide! Suggestions?) and their performance was drawing near. With only 2 weeks left, they knew now was the time to seriously put work into practicing (well, Libby knew this, Olli was just sort of going with it as usual.)

The boy sat down and sorted out his strap (HAHAHAHA) whilst the girl sat opposite him, laughing to herself and preparing for the impending embarrassment that was no doubt soon to follow (as it did most practice sessions.)

Boy: Am I playing it from-

Girl: Yep, just do it from there it'll be fine!

Boy: Right...Okay...*Starts to play the song*

Girl: *Starts singing* No...No this isn't right...Can you move the thingy up a notch?

Boy: What like this? *Moves the thingy up a notch and does some fancy guitarist thing*

Girl: Yeah, that's cool. Back from that bit then.

Boy: Uh huh *Plays*

Girl: *Midway through singing* Mngahhjaja *Looks at lyrics* shsmfjiwmmsm *Laughs*

Boy: *Stops playing abruptly* What?

Girl: You made me laugh! It's fine, it's fine. Go back from the start of that bit.

Boy: Okaaaay *Plays*

Girl: *Midway through singing* Uggghhh! This is not going to work and we've only got 2 weeks left until the performance! Do we do another song? What songs do you know? What songs can you PLAY I mean?

Boy: *Thinks* Well, I can-

Girl: Great, do that.

Long story short the boy plays the other song and first time round it goes perfectly and they perform it and everyone loves it and they ride off into the musical sunset and live musically happily together forever (until Libby gets tonsillitis and Olli breaks a guitar string.)

Moral of that story is, although the girl could sing the song and the boy could play the song, it wasn't the right one, and as soon as they changed the song; they felt more confident in what they were doing and gave a kick ass performance.

My love for music is the main reason for doing a 'song of the post'. I decided that instead of making one post where I list all of my favourite songs (which realistically for me would be a stupid thing to do because I'd be here for hours.) I would instead pick a song that I adore or maybe a song that's relevant to the post and link it to you guys so you can get a taste of the sort of music I like to sing or listen to!

That's all for today my fellow friends of the interweb! I shall leave you with the aforementioned song of the post: Make You Feel My Love by Adele (her version of it anyways)

Happy Half Term to all and anyone who's got a week off!


P.s This is the song we performed.

Sunday, 19 October 2014


Hello! I apologize for leaving you for so long, but as I've mentioned before I only want to blog about things when I feel like doing it otherwise, this will feel like more of a chore and less of a hobby! I'm in the mood for a bit of a chatty/long blog post today so be prepared for badly formed sentences and appalling spelling. In other words, get a cup of tea because I'm not planning on holding back at all.

As you may have gathered from the title, today's post is about friends. Personally I have issues trusting people; so all of my friends have been hand picked with care. Oddly enough, I've found friends in people I wouldn't have thought I would ever call a friend. Even more than that; I've become really close friends with people that I never thought I would consider a friend.

As much as I'd LOVE to name and shame my friends (trust me I thought about it) I'd end up forgetting someone and that's not cool so I'm just going to have to hope that you know who you are! Considering I'm shuffling through a rough patch life wise at the moment, the one thing I think I've needed most is support and I'm SO thankful to have a brilliant group of friends behind me.

Some of my friends understand what I'm going through and have experienced it themselves, some know my "deepest and darkest" secrets (although I'm a very dull person so none of my secrets are very deep and dark.) I have friends that let me use their Netflix account and friends that I've been camping with.

Recently (By recently I mean on Thursday) I went to the cinema with two friends to watch Annabelle. (Warning: it's a horror movie, I don't want to be responsible for any younger people scaring themselves.) It was fabulous and I thoroughly enjoyed myself but (get to the point Libby.) I came to the conclusion that without those friends, or without friends in general- wouldn't life be dull? I don't want to go to the cinema alone, or go camping alone or dance to I'm Sexy and I know it on a bridge alone!

Everyone likes some time to themselves of course but don't friends make life so much more enjoyable? Have you ever nearly peed yourself whilst with a friends because something ridiculous just happened? Have you ever taken long walks with your friends just because you want to talk? When was the last time you told your friends that you appreciate them?

As horribly cheesy as it sounds, I was in a maths lesson the other day having an utter existential crisis and my friend was sat next to me giving me ideas for what I could do to solve my problem blah-blah-blah and I suddenly felt overwhelmed with appreciation for this person.

She didn't have to help me out, she didn't have to use up brain power to help me come up with solutions, she could have just left me to my own devices and sort it out by myself but she didn't. Instead she actually took the time to help me out and I appreciate her for that (she knows so too because I told her so in the lesson.)

I dedicate this blog post to all of my friends, to those of you who have: spent time with me, brought me food, share an inside joke with me and those who have calmed me down when I've been a little too emotional. Most importantly, I would like you to know that I appreciate you and I love you (Ohh she went there) because you're all brilliant and life would be very dull without you,

That's all for today my fellow friends of the interweb! I shall leave you with this posts song of the day: Centuries by Fall Out Boy

Till next time- L

Thursday, 2 October 2014


Hi there! So, I'm a very pessimistic person. When I say 'a very pessimistic person' I mean a VERY pessimistic person. I actually don't think I've ever met someone as pessimistic as I am, the only person that's come close to being as pessimistic as me, is my friend Charlie.

On a good day, my level of pessimism is probably about Bobby Singer (Supernatural.)

However, on a bad day my pessimism probably reaches Wednesday Addams level.

Everyone knows the idiom of "Is the glass half full or half empty" or whatever it is, but technically isn't it always full? Isn't air present in the glass where the liquid has been removed? I'm sure there are FAR more intelligent people that could answer this question (*Cough* Charlie.) But I found this which proves my point more or less.

I like to think of my 'pessimism' as a superior emotion that nobody else can fully understand. Much like the following emotionally stunted people:

Cristina Yang- Grey's Anatomy

Martin Freeman- Hardware

Spencer Hastings- Pretty Little Liars

Smeagol/Gollum- The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers

Now, I'm not comparing Charlie or myself to the above people, however I like to believe that we are full of just as much sass as Martin Freeman (bold statement to all you fellow fangirls out there.)

That is all for today my fellow friends of the interweb! I shall leave you with todays song: Wonderwall by Oasis.

Stay loose bull moose- L

*This post is dedicated to Charlie, a very fabulous and superior being.*