Saturday, 15 November 2014

The 'M' Word.

Hello my fellow friends of the internet!

I'm here today with a very overdue post! Today is the 15th of November. Flash back to 1978 a very important person in my life was born. That important person is my mum. Now before you roll your eyes and groan, I KNOW that was a predictable thing to say! However, my mother is pretty fabulous.

Before you totally think I've lost all sense of self restraint; I'm not gong to brag or gush. I'm just going to share with you some brilliant moments I've had with my mum (Sorry if I embarrass you mother. Mwahahaha.)

Top 5 Brilliant Moments: With Libby and Mum.

  1. I really enjoy it when we take Rue (our dog) out for a walk and have very in depth conversations.
  2. When she bakes. Anything. I mean, she can bake. 
  3. I appreciate that she's there for me. Whenever I need her, I know I can ring her or text her and she'll be there for me (provided she has her phone on or I have signal. It's a faulted system I know.)
  4. When we bond over books, films and TV series together.
  5. The random nights we stay up later than usual laughing at ridiculous things (Like my appalling attempt at Beyonce's Single Ladies dance.)
We don't get a long all the time, I don't think any daughter can say they get on with their mother 100% of the time, but when we fight- we get over it and move on. At the end of the day I know that if I have a problem I can turn to her for help.

Aww look at that, baby me. How sweet. Moral of this post is I love my mum. Motherhood is a full time job and my mum is pretty darn good at it. I really hope she's enjoyed her birthday and I also hope that you, my fellow friends of the interweb, have experienced (in some way or another) the loving feeling of a mother (or mother figure.)

That's all for now, I shall leave you with today's song: More Than Words by Extreme


Wednesday, 5 November 2014


Hello again my fellow friends of the interweb! I'm here today with a bit of a spur of the moment post! Due to where I live, I'm fortunate enough to not need to pay for fireworks to see them because I live on a hill and can therefore see everyone else's for free! The joy!

Today in England is Bonfire night! For those who don't know, bonfire night is where we celebrate a bloke called Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up Parliament! The fireworks represent the gunpowder and sometimes people will make a slightly satanic looking bloke and burn him (Sounds worse than it is!) However, most people enjoy firework displays and bonfires!

I have realized that I (for some unknown reason) really love fireworks. I was stood outside on my decking, admiring the free fireworks like a child. (My favourite fireworks are the "Glittery fairy thingies" if anyone was curious.)

I find that fireworks are used to mark something significant, the beginning of a new year, at an opening event,  a bloke trying to blow up the king- all of these things are important and I think that's why it resonates with me. I love the atmosphere of togetherness that they create, I love the colours and the noise! They just generally bring me joy and transport me back to the times where I could scream at things and it would be cute and not considered weird or bratty!

This video, made me cry when I watched it! That's the power that fireworks have over me. Any significant event in my life-expect to see fireworks!

That's all for now! I shall leave you with today's song of the post: Don't Stop Believin' By Journey (the live version because why not?)

Catch ya soon-L